About Principio

Principio is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving conditions for children and families in third world countries.
You are holding many dreams in your hands; most of them being in the hearts of those who worked hard to grow the coffee in the mountains of Honduras.
We desire to empower them by returning 100% of the profits to their homeland. This provides clean water to their homes, schools for their children, clinics for their families and economic development to communities.
The purchase of EACH BAG of coffee could provide a hot lunch for one child for ONE MONTH! Your discovery of a great cup of coffee is now an important part in their discovery of a better life.
Our Mission
Principio is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving conditions for children and families in third world countries.
We are accomplishing this by developing leadership both in the United States and abroad, believing leadership to be the applied ability to educate, motivate and empower individuals to improve the quality of their lives, mentally, physically and spiritually.
The philosophy behind the work
Many mission endeavors in remote areas of third world countries are limited to contact that is incidental, just a stop on the way to somewhere else more populous, and superficial, just treating symptoms of lingering problems. We at Principio want to change that in our projects. We made a 5-year commitment to the village of Rancho Quemado and surrounding areas.
The second 5-year plan is for this village to adopt another village and duplicate the first 5-year plan with them.
Our philosophy of ministry is not paternalistic; doing for people and providing everything for them as a parent does a child. Our model we call collaborative; working together with them to make the improvements needed and to provide for themselves within 5 years. After that, we will be involved in consultation and duplication in other villages.
Your generous donations can be directed to any of the following needs:
• School Building Fund
• Community Development (Job Training, Economic Stimulus, Water & Sanitation Projects)
• Rural Clinics (First Aid Supplies, Antibiotics, Vaccinations, Inhalers, Health Education)
Please read more About Us and get detailed insight to our endeavors.
Thank you for helping us change the world, one cup at a time!
For more information on Principio's mission watch a video from the Founder and CEO of Principio de Esperanza, Melvin Airhart.
Economic Development
Part of the five-year plan for the Camalotillo area is to start businesses in Honduran cities and use part of the profits to support the mission projects. People from this rural area who now reside in the city, and are willing to work in their own business, will receive financial and managerial help from Principio. […]
Home for Honduras
Safe, sanitary and secure housing is a priority in our community development program. We will assist in the construction of a new home when the following criteria are met: A family with children that have never had a home of their own; Property with a clear title must be available; The family will make the […]
Medical Supplies
Ondina, a retired nurse, has volunteered her time and a room in her house in Camalotillo for medical assistance. A beginning inventory of supplies was purchased for $300 in October 2008. Ondina assisted 5 patients the first-day help was available, including sewing up a stone-cut foot wound for a 9-year-old boy. Without this help, severe infection […]
The Tithe-Block Program for Housing
One out of every ten blocks made in the hand operated machine is set aside for residential use. When we have enough blocks to build a small 12′ X 20′ house, a family in the village will have materials for walls for a new house. Others will help them in the construction process. Secure, safe […]
Metal Roofs for Adobe Churches
There are many villages in this general area that have no church. Locals can build the walls of adobe for no material expense, but a roof of metal is way out of reach for them. For about $2000 the materials can be purchased and delivered to the site. If you would like to help in […]
Solar Panels for the School
Pearl Airhart has taken the project to raise $3,000 for solar powered electricity for the school. This power will enable the school to have lights, a computer with a printer, a DVD for instruction videos, and a mechanical sewer system for the restrooms with real flushing toilets. The school is located in line with cell […]
School Personnel and Student Supplies
In March of ’08, Esther Suazo had 45 students in 6 grades meeting in an adobe church with a dirt floor. She had no help, no books, no paper, no pencils and no reliable salary. Thanks to helping from concerned friends of Principio she now has a staff including an assistant, a resident English instructor ( […]
School, Rancho Quemado
We believe the gospel has within it a social mandate because God cares about the whole person. People do not care how much we know until they know how much we care! Health care is one of the ways we can express the love of God through our actions. In this remote mountainous area of Honduras, health […]
An elementary school was the first project Principio had the privilege to work on. Partnering with Honduran locals, we were able to complete a new school building in the rural village of Rancho Quemado in 2009. Elementary education is imperative in making a generational difference for these areas.